Friday, August 19, 2016


The Fear of the unknown is the Psychological paralysis caused by mystery of the unknown. Its one of the greatest challenges to progress because it kills the enthusiasm and the morale to progress to the clouds of what you haven't experienced or what you don't know.

This has paralysed many people with big ideas, it has paralysed individuals and caused them to be ANTAGONISTS to the FORCE OF CHANGE. Human being delights in COMFORT ZONE and any idea of CHANGE that hasn't been experienced before is often excused by the fear of the unknown.

But you can overcome the FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN by evaluating the vision and putting it down into realistic attributes, then GRAB on FAITH and DISCIPLINE while exercising the POSITIVE MINDSET.
Negativity gives power to the FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN. In life we need to understand that we either CHANGE willfully or THE FORCE OF CHANGE affects us violently leaving us with scars. Now that requires us to overcome the fear of the unknown.

The unknown is a mystery and it should be approached with enthusiasm and the joy of exploration...for whatever you don't know holds a part of your soul you haven't discovered yet...Pursue the experience and let Go of the fear of unknown.

Believe that God is there in the unknown ready to make it known to you. Let your life be of adventures and explore new experiences and overcome the fear of the unknown that keeps you from knowing the unknown.

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