One of the greatest challenges to thinking is the directions of your thoughts, Are your thoughts future oriented or past oriented? Is the direction of your thoughts forward or backwards? Backward oriented thoughts are a resistance to future pursuit. The quest to the future needs a future oriented mindset.
If you are constantly thinking backwards rather than thinking forwards then you create a resistance in your forward movement. When you think backward you create a force that pulls you backwards to the past. But if you think forward you create a force that pulls you forward to your future.
You can never move in a direction where your thoughts aren't directed, Don't ever fall in the trap of the mind of thinking backwards. Thinking backwards is thinking about things past, its entertaining past thoughts, its your reluctance to delete the past from your system. The duty of the past is to give you a motivation to create a platform for the future you want. Once you find the gear of the future, drive in the future mode and set your mind there.
Never inter-change your present gear with your past gear, its dangerous, You can only change your present gear with your future gear to increase the momentum and increase a boost of enthusiasm. How do you inter change present gear with future gear....Its by consuming some of the future ideas and dreams and instill them in the present, You cant consume all of them or else your present will be crowded and you wont find pleasure in the process
Its very important to think forward, just analyse yourself in the times you sit down to think what are the directions of your thoughts? Present, Past or future. Ask yourself also when you want to act on something and thoughts come in your mind in your analysis where are those thoughts from? Past or future... If you realise that its your past that brings out most of your thoughts then its time to change.
Make the future be the source of your thoughts and let the future interchange gears of motivation in your quest to pursue life.